Posts in Neck
Scaling the Scalenes

In the last blog post I talked about what your scalenes are and do. If you need a quick refresher, feel free to look back over that post although really — all you need to remember is that your scalenes are the muscles on the sides of your neck that help flex your neck. In this post, I’m going to focus on some common injuries that can occur to your scalenes.

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A Real Pain in the Neck

No matter what people do for work, play or exercise, pretty much everyone who comes in to see me for a massage complains about neck pain. With that in mind, I’m going to spend a little time in the coming weeks talking about your scalenes, which are a group of muscles that run up and down the sides of your neck.

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Neck Pain

Restrictions and pain in your neck muscles can lead to headaches, ringing in the ears, jaw pain, and restricted breathing (which can increase anxiety). As your head finds more difficulty swinging around, the rest of your body reorients bit by bit to keep you stable and upright. A shoulder tips this way, your spine curves that way, the hip follows that way… the next thing you know you’re feeling an ache in your knee and your head won’t stop pounding.

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